Cheers to 23
Last weekend I celebrated my 23rd birthday.
If you were to ask me what I did on my 16th, 18th and 22nd birthdays, I probably couldn't tell you. Not that they weren't good days, I'm sure they were. But as someone who does not enjoy the excessive attention that comes with big birthday blowouts, I tend to keep it low key. One night, a few good friends and a good time.
Well, 23 decided to step it up a notch.
Thursday, I went to my first hockey game with some of my favorite Register crazies, which was so fun! And now my hockey knowledge contains a bit more than only having watched The Mighty Ducks trilogy.
Friday was my actual birthday, and so after I got off the late shift, we hit the town. Played some pool, had a few too many drinks and sang to me very loudly in public.
Saturday, my sister and nephew were in town, and we had lunch overlooking Laguna Beach before spending the rest of the day at Disneyland. (For free, I might add!)
And on Sunday, we brunched, shopped around the farmers market and visited the cute beach town of San Clemente before they had to head back to Vegas. I straight to a Super Bowl party and then out to drinks with a friend stopping back through Orange County for a few days. Needless to say, I was exhausted by the time I got back home to Long Beach.
Weekends like this always remind me how blessed I am. Even 2,000 miles from home, I'm blessed to have some family just a short drive away. And blessed to have made such an incredible group of friends in such a short time. Blessed to have all these wonderful people to celebrate life's little milestones with.
If the fun and happiness and love of last week is any indication of how this year will go, I can't wait to see what life brings my way.
Cheers to 23!