November // currently
It has been quite the couple months. A trip with two good friends to New York City, leaving Southern California, an epic roadtrip back east, a family trip to Vegas, and then moving to Louisville to start a new job. So much to share, but I figured I would ease my way back into blogging first. So hello, November. Here's what I'm currently up to.
READING // Me Before You by Jojo Moyes. I actually just finished this, and perhaps I'm sappier than most, but I definitely cried. Which can only mean I will be even more of a mess when the movie hits theaters late next summer.
LISTENING // 1989 by Taylor Swift. I mean, who ISN'T listening to this right now? As much as I loved Taylor in her country years, I applaud her move into pure pop. And there are definitely more than a few hits on this album.
EATING // Soup season is upon us! I didn't realize I missed it until it arrived. The weather I considered even close to acceptable for soup only existed in a small window of opportunity in Southern California. So now that I'm back east, I've got so much more time to try delicious soup, chili and stew recipes. Like the slow cooker Moroccan chickpea and turkey stew pictured above from
DREAMING // As a graphic designer, I am always thinking beyond my regular full-time job. Everyone has their own Etsy shops selling products from greeting cards to resumes to other creative services. I've had Google docs and handwritten lists that have slowly developed over the past few years with ideas, but the time has never been right to pursue it all. With the holidays coming up, I have so many friends and bloggers I follow launching new online shops and lines all the time. (Those lovely cards pictured above are from one of my blog crushes, A Beautiful Mess.) And I've got to tell you, it has my creative juices flowing again. I finally feel like it's time to keep working toward that dream and maybe have some things in the works for the new year!